How to Fix Squeaky Hardwood Floors with the Squeeeek No More Tool by Patrick O’Berry

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How to Fix Squeaky Hardwood Floors with the Squeeeek No More Tool by Patrick O’Berry

Hello, today I’ll show you how to stop squeaks in your hardwood floors using our Squeeeeek No More Hardwood Floor Tool. This tool is perfect for stopping squeaks and pinning down floors with hollow spots. Let’s walk through the process step-by-step.

Parts of the Squeak No More Kit

The Squeak No More kit includes:

  • Fixture: Comes in two parts, one for softwoods and one for hardwoods.
  • Driver Bit with Stop
  • Squeak No More Screws: These screws are designed with two different thread counts for maximum hold.

Steps to Fix a Squeaky Floor

Step 1: Pre-Drill the Hole

  1. Select the Fixture: Choose the part of the fixture appropriate for your wood type.
  2. Pre-Drill: Insert the drill bit through the small hole in the fixture. This prevents the drill tip from marking the wood. Pre-drill the length of the screw.

Step 2: Check for Joists

  1. Locate the Joist: Use a paperclip to check if you’re over a joist. Drill down 2 1/4 inches and insert the paperclip. If it stops, you’re over a joist. If it falls through, you’re not.

Step 3: Drive the Screw

  1. Drive the Screw: Using the appropriate fixture part, drive the screw into the pre-drilled hole. The screw will pull down the flooring and shear off at the score, which is set 1/5 of an inch below the wood’s surface.
  2. Remove the Fixture: Snap off the screw head by rocking the fixture back and forth.

Step 4: Fill the Hole

  1. Fill with Wood Filler: Fill the hole with wood filler to give it a finished look.

Special Considerations for Thin Wood

For very thin or soft wood:

  1. Pre-Drill: Drill down to 1/4 inch without using the fixture.
  2. Drive the Screw: Ensure the score disappears just below the surface.
  3. Snap Off: Use the fixture to snap off the screw head. This ensures the screw grips well and the board is held down tightly.

By following these steps, you can easily eliminate those annoying squeaks and secure your hardwood floors. Happy fixing!

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